About Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone in the United States
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Full Name: Republic of Sierra Leone
Population: 7.5 Million
Capital: Freetown
Area: 73,326 sq km (27,925 sq miles)
Major Languages: English, Krio
Major Religions: Islam, Christianity
Monetary Unit: Leone (Le)
Main Exports: Diamonds, Rutile, Iron Ore, Bauxite, Gold, Cocoa, Coffee, Fish
GDP: 6% (World Bank)
Internet Domain: .SL
International Dialing Code: +232
Official/Business Hours: Monday to Friday – 08.00 – 17.00 hours
Time Zone: Sierra Leone is on GMT all year around.
Electricity: 220 – 240 volts AC, 50Hz
Official Holidays: Sierra Leone
Government celebrates Islamic, Christian and National Holidays. Holidays marked with an asterisk (*) are lunar and moveable each year.
About Sierra Leone
Population: 7.5 Million
Capital: Freetown
Area: 73,326 sq km (27,925 sq miles)
Major Languages: English, Krio
Major Religions: Islam, Christianity
Monetary Unit: Leone (Le)
Main Exports: Diamonds, Rutile, Iron Ore, Bauxite, Gold, Cocoa, Coffee, Fish
GDP: 6% (World Bank)
Internet Domain: .SL
International Dialing Code: +232
Official/Business Hours: Monday to Friday – 08.00 – 17.00 hours
Time Zone: Sierra Leone is on GMT all year around.
Electricity: 220 – 240 volts AC, 50Hz
Official Holidays: Sierra Leone
Government celebrates Islamic, Christian and National Holidays. Holidays marked with an asterisk (*) are lunar and moveable each year.
- 1 January – New Year’s Day
- 27 April – Independence Day
- Good Friday and Easter Monday*
- 25 December – Christmas Day
- 26 December – Boxing Day
- Eid-Ul-Fitri*
- Moulid Ul Nabi*
- Eld Ul Adha*
About Sierra Leone